Harrison Assessments
Recruiting is always a challenge. It is made more difficult by the wide variety of possible influences:
How can we, together, best assess the candidate and the job for a fit? It is a long term advantage for the company, manager, team and candidate to be in alignment. Link: Harrison Assessments Article 1 Client Testimonial:
I didn't realize a simple 20-min questionnaire may generate such a long discussion about just one page :) But I can see why... It's unbelievable sometimes to look at ourselves from an outside prospective. I learned a lot from this report. One of the charts shows that I am so logical that under stress I can flip to a completely irrational behavior... I am glad that the preferred career choices were around analytics, math and statistics. That is the exact direction, which I am looking for right now. Overall, all these charts seem like a magic from a crystal ball :) "How the hell did they know all these things about me? Magic!" ~KA |